Qwest Foundation Classroom Grants for Education

The Qwest Foundation has allocated to the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the Organization for Educational Technology and Curriculum (OETC) $50,000 through a Qwest Foundation for Education Grant to be awarded to Oregon K-12 educators who participate in their Regional Ed Tech Cadre and who demonstrate an innovative use of technology with students.  The funds will be disbursed to the local school.  Qwest Foundation funds may be used to purchase the following for use in the classroom:
  • supplies and materials
  • technology
  • professional development activities. 

 Any supplies and materials or capital objects purchased become property of the school should the teacher leave the school. Funds will be awarded November 22, 2006: The deadline for application is postmarked by November 15, 2006.    

The purpose of this grant is to:

  1. Provide opportunities for Oregon teachers participating in the Regional Ed Tech Cadres to implement strategies they have learned;   
  2. Recognize Oregon K-12 educators who are using technology in innovative ways with students;
  3. Increase an awareness of how teachers are using technology in the classroom;
  4. Model best practices with technology integration improving student achievement.


1.      Sub-grant proposals must be postmarked by November 15, 2006.  Proposals postmarked after that date will not be considered.

2.      Sub-grants can be applied for amounts of $2500, $5000, up to a maximum of  $10,000.

3.      Awards will be announced on November 22, 2006.

4.      Awardees will present information about their project on the Oregon Qwest Education Foundation grant Blog site:http://k12partners.org/cadre

·        February 1, 2007                  Project Overview

·        August 31, 2007                    Lesson plans and project outcomes     


2006 Qwest Grant Awards


Eligibility All Oregon certified K-12 school educators who are involved in a regional cadre are eligible to receive a maximum of one sub-grant award.  

Technical Assistance Carla Wade, (ODE) [email protected] and Jennifer Arns (OETC) [email protected] are available to provide technical assistance and to answer questions.    

Award Process The Qwest Foundation for Education Grant requires that sub-grants be awarded through competitive proposals.  All proposals will be read and judged by a statewide committee made up of representatives of K-12 educators and business leaders.  This panel will determine those applications that best meet the funding criteria using the rubric and scoring sheet included in this application package.  ODE and OETC will notify awardees on November 22, 2006.  


  1. Blog Participation:Teachers who are awarded a Qwest Foundation for Education Grant will agree to participate in the Oregon Qwest Foundation for Education Grant Blog to share lesson plans and project outcomes. 
  2. Reports: The ODE and OETC will require from each awardee, a report on the expenditure of funds as well as a narrative detailing how the goals of your project were met through this award.  On Online Report is due by September 1, 2007.  Guidelines and specific timeline will be provided to each participant awarded funds by the Qwest Foundation for Education.    
