Data Quality

The top technology priority expressed by ESD IT directors across Oregon is data. School Improvement leadership ranks data near the top as well. Specifically, in demand is the exploration and development of expanded support to districts and schools in the form of improved data quality, and tools and know-how for substantial and meaningful data analysis to improve teaching and learning.

With committments from ODE stakeholders, the Education Enterprise Steering Committee (EESC), ESD's, and school districts across the state, a Data Quality Work Group has been formed to develop a statewide program to meet the above demands.

True to the mission of the EESC, the work group comprises P-20 representation, across the agencies and geography of Oregon.

The first meeting was held today, January 22. The first charge for the work group is to collaborate on the rapid preparation of a federal grant application, due March 15, which could provide funding for the statewide program we will be simultaneously developing. Progress on the application, as well as on development of the full program, will be tracked on this site.

DQ - How does this relate to KIDS and SIS?

I am interested in how the proposed DQ statewide program would relate to ODE's KIDS project and to the individual SIS systems in use across the state. Our district is currently considering a new SIS and we would like to be reasonably certain that we are on track with any future statewide program.

Is it correct that the DQ proposal is that the regional ESD's would become the data collection site for the districts (replacing ODE's consolidated data collection site) and that ODE would then collect the information they need (for KIDS) from the ESD data warehouses?