Oregon K-12 Partnership Projects - E-BITS http://k12partners.org/taxonomy/term/1/0 en Winning EBITS Strategic Grant Applications posted for review here: http://k12partners.org/node/125 <p><br>A number of requests have come in to see the applications that were successful this round. There are terrific innovations and solutions presented in these documents. Please take a close look to see how similarly-situated schools and districts (to yours) are solving some of their connectivity issues.<br><br> Congratulations to the winning applicants. We will keep the field posted about if/when we may be able to open another round of grants!</p> http://k12partners.org/node/125#comments E-BITS Tue, 10 Jul 2007 21:13:13 +0000 Leslie Golden 125 at http://k12partners.org E-BITS http://k12partners.org/node/2 <P CLASS="western" STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in"><FONT SIZE=2>At a time when education needs the commitment of Private Partners to realize the learning goals for our students, the K-12 Enterprise seeks a new set of network transport services and products tailored to the needs of schools at affordable prices. http://rfp.hdesd.org/</FONT></P><p><a href="http://k12partners.org/node/2">read more</a></p> http://k12partners.org/node/2#comments E-BITS Mon, 21 Aug 2006 22:38:51 +0000 admin 2 at http://k12partners.org Wireless infrastructure question http://k12partners.org/node/118 We have been interested in wireless campuses and/or wireless common areas of campuses. However, our existing routing structure does not have room to add 25-30 access points.<BR><BR> We would like to add new Cisco Routers that have the wireless management capability built into them, and attach the APs to these new routers.<BR><BR> Will the grant process allow us to do that, or will we have to fund the new Router out of our own funds?<BR><BR> Essentially, without the new router, the wireless infrastructure we're trying to build won't work...<BR><BR> Just looking for clarifications, thanks.<BR><BR> <p><a href="http://k12partners.org/node/118">read more</a></p> http://k12partners.org/node/118#comments E-BITS Fri, 11 May 2007 21:48:40 +0000 wallowamichael 118 at http://k12partners.org EBITS Services Order Form Posted Here http://k12partners.org/node/117 <p>The consolidated EBITS order form, which can be used to gather quotes and to place orders, is attached here.<br><br> Also attached is the narrative of the Cisco companion discounts to EBITS. For specific information and quotes on Cisco equipment, please contact Steve Macartney or Todd Allais at Qwest. They can be reached at:<br><br> <b>Todd Allais</b><br> p:503.425.5342<br> f:503.425.5252<br> e:[email protected]<br><br> <b>Steve Macartney</b><br> p:503.425.5301<br> f:503.425.5252<br> e:[email protected]<br><br> </p> http://k12partners.org/node/117#comments E-BITS Fri, 11 May 2007 17:04:43 +0000 Leslie Golden 117 at http://k12partners.org Strategic Transport Grant Announcement http://k12partners.org/node/116 <p align="left"><strong><span style="color: black"><font size="3"><font face="Times New Roman">May 11, 2007</font></font></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: black"><font face="Times New Roman">Strategic Network Connectivity Grant Application</font></span></strong><strong><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: black"><font face="Times New Roman"> </font></span></strong></p><p><a href="http://k12partners.org/node/116">read more</a></p> http://k12partners.org/node/116#comments E-BITS Fri, 11 May 2007 16:55:46 +0000 snelson 116 at http://k12partners.org Documents for EBITS Information Session 4.13.07 http://k12partners.org/node/111 <P>Attached is the primary document set that will be reviewed during the information session tomorrow. "EBITS Information Docs" is the main set. <br><br>In addition, all individual order forms are attached (one is included in the primary set as an example, and will be reviewed during the session). <br><br>Finally, the excel workbook lists all sites by ESD, verifying in or out of territory status. Please locate your ESD's worksheet, and be sure to review the worksheet entitled "Larger Schools and Programs" for independently listed sites.</p> http://k12partners.org/node/111#comments E-BITS Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:55:54 +0000 Leslie Golden 111 at http://k12partners.org Questions about eRate-ing EBITS' services http://k12partners.org/node/40 <p>Below is the text from circulated emails regarding eRating EBITS Services. Thanks to Ed Jensen for posing them, and to Randy Trummer for his answers.<br><br> <b>Question:</b> As we are getting ready to do E-rate for the next year, does anybody know if these “E-bit” circuits are E-ratable? If so, how do we go about filing for e-rate? Do we e-rate file for 10 mb or 30 mb Point to Point circuits from the schools to the ESD now, or do we have to wait until next year which would then mean the E-rate would not take affect until the next year? <br><br> <b>Answer:</b> It seems [there are] two questions: (1) will the lines be eligible for e-rate, and (2) how do we file.<br><br> As to the first question the RFP states on page 11: <b>2.1: E-rate Qualifications:</b><br> All aspects of this project must comply with the Federal Communication Commission’s competitive bidding requirement for Universal Service Fund (USF) support and services. The vendor must provide proof of registration with the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) including E-Rate Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) with Telecom carrier status. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has determined that in order to provide telecommunications services (voice, video or data transport), the service provider must provide such services on a common carrier basis. Upon successful E-rate funding, the vendor must agree to generate an invoice to Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) for the E-rate discounted portion of the bill in accordance with SLD regulations. <br><br> If the vendor fails to file the appropriate annual forms as required with the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) or fails to remain in good standing with the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) and/or Federal Communication Commission (FCC), the customer is not responsible for the discounted portion of the vendor’s bill from that point forward through the end of the term.<br><br> So yes, the objective is to award the contract to a vendor that will provide e-ratable service. <br><br> The second question is more complicated in that we'd all be buying off a state contract - not awarding the contract as indvidual districts. So applying in that respect (e.g. RFP for "metropolitan ethernet connectivity") wouldn't be necessary. Having said that, I believe it'll be critical for each of us to list on our 470's that we want x number of "10 to 30 mb Extended Metropolitan Ethernet Service" connections. <br><br> Really good question - thanks for reminding us. </p><p><a href="http://k12partners.org/node/40">read more</a></p> http://k12partners.org/node/40#comments E-BITS Thu, 02 Nov 2006 18:07:22 +0000 Leslie Golden 40 at http://k12partners.org Qwest Clarification on Physical Layer and Distance for Their Proposed Transport for E-BITS http://k12partners.org/node/6 <p>From: Allais, Todd [mailto:[email protected]]<br /> Sent: Mon 8/21/2006 3:19 PM<br /> To: Leslie Golden<br /> Cc: NELSON Steve; Schwartz, Greg<br /> Subject: RE: Can you help?</p> <p>Leslie,</p> <p>To follow up our conversation, I've attached the Qwest Metropolitan Optical Ethernet (QMOE) Tech Pub for your reference. There are several provisioning options discussed in the document. Qwest will pre-qualify school locations to best determine which method of delivery (i.e. copper, fiber) makes the best technical and business decision for both the customer and Qwest. </p> <p>Recognizing that there are variables with the local loop qualification, the general distance limitations of QMOE over copper without a repeater is 12,000 feet. The general distance limitations with up to three repeaters is 24,000 feet.</p> <p><a href="http://k12partners.org/node/6">read more</a></p> http://k12partners.org/node/6#comments E-BITS Wed, 23 Aug 2006 16:20:25 +0000 snelson 6 at http://k12partners.org What Telecommunications Services would the ESD's Want on an ESD Network Transport Contract? http://k12partners.org/node/5 <p>1. What telecommunications services and products would you like to see on a state-wide contract for ESD’s to purchase from? The contract would be education only administered by an ESD. </p> <p>2. How many and which schools in your region would require a connection greater then 5mb? </p> <p>3. Could you transition from a current provider if E-bits, or other services, can be provided at your schools under a new education services contract?</p> http://k12partners.org/node/5#comments E-BITS Wed, 23 Aug 2006 02:55:10 +0000 snelson 5 at http://k12partners.org