wallowamichael's blog http://k12partners.org/blog/19 en Wireless infrastructure question http://k12partners.org/node/118 We have been interested in wireless campuses and/or wireless common areas of campuses. However, our existing routing structure does not have room to add 25-30 access points.<BR><BR> We would like to add new Cisco Routers that have the wireless management capability built into them, and attach the APs to these new routers.<BR><BR> Will the grant process allow us to do that, or will we have to fund the new Router out of our own funds?<BR><BR> Essentially, without the new router, the wireless infrastructure we're trying to build won't work...<BR><BR> Just looking for clarifications, thanks.<BR><BR> <p><a href="http://k12partners.org/node/118">read more</a></p> http://k12partners.org/node/118#comments E-BITS Fri, 11 May 2007 21:48:40 +0000 wallowamichael 118 at http://k12partners.org